Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A skip and then a jump.. Next up, THE LEAP!

Sporting our brand new earrings! :) Lovet!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

On a high.

I'm in such a total high from that big leap I made yesterday and I can't wait about what to do next!

I already swore to my friend that we'd have our ears pierced together in about two weeks!!! So exciting.

After that.. I'm thinking I'm gonna go on and get that tattoo!!! Look at what I've decided to get...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Leap of Faith

When you find yourself one day, lower than the lowest state you thought possible, there is nowhere to go but up. Keep the faith. Don't lose the hope.. Because you will never ever know when life will take you by surprise.

You want your two eyes open when God gives you the answer to all those questions you've been longing to ask. And you know what, God knows best. He knows what can get you back up on your feet. And it happens in the weirdest of days, in the most unexpected moments.

that's why it's just so hard to give up on life. because although it can hurt you like a bitch, it will always always bring back your desire to live it.

Today I'm so excited to say that I made a very big leap. It's excruciating not to shout to the world how free I feel. Even if I'm not there yet, my body, my mind and my heart, are already there. It's like they are already there waiting for my arrival. I feel like this could be one of the craziest things that I've done in my 27 years of existence.. but you know what, I vowed to make things happen in 2011 and now I'm doing it. Positive Articulation. By repairing myself first, I can give more to others when I'm finally fixed. I can't wait!!!


Monday, January 3, 2011

how to make 2011 a better year than the last.

It's been two years now, that I start the year battered and bruised. And I don't think I'd want a third. So this brings me to the point where I look back on what has gone wrong before and to acknowledge the mistakes that I've made.

These are the things NOT to do in 2011:

1. Believe that fairy tales happen in real life. Hello, they are called fairy tales for a reason.

2. Jump to conclusions, make assumptions or make impulse decisions about anything or anyone. Take time to know the person and also consider ALL sides of the situation.

3. Think too much of what other people will think when you do something that really makes you happy. You are living your own life and they can live theirs the way that they want it.

4. Give up on lifelong dreams. They can come true any day now...

5. Buy expensive and unnecessary things. The time has come to save up. We are not getting any younger and as long as we have plans in the future, it is safe to have some money saved up.

6. Deprive yourself of vacation. If you can afford it, go for it. If you can't always remember that sometimes, vacation can be a state of mind.

7. Only think about yourself. Widen your perspective. You'll see that there is a much bigger world out there.

8. Listen to other people's negativity. Control your own thoughts. Fill it with positive ones.

9. Be lazy. Time is still as valuable as gold. Do as many things as you can in any given time.

10. Be afraid to try new things, may it be sports, restaurants, places to go to.. You will never know what you're missing.

11. Say everything that pops up in your head. Discretion is key. And, if you have nothing good to say, SHUT UP.

12. Lose your temper easily. Just breathe in and out. Then proceed with a smile.

13. Forget to pray. And to always thank God for all the blessings that he has given and is still giving you.

14. Be ashamed to tell people that you love them. Tomorrow might not come. And it will only be a big regret.

15. Hold on to negative feelings. It will just bring you down. And other people around you as well.

16. Give your trust too easily. Because even though there is goodness in everyone, let's admit that most of them will gladly take advantage of you.

17. Be swamped with work, school and everything else. Give yourself fifteen minutes each day not to talk to the Lord, but to just LISTEN.

18. Compare your life with others. God has plans for EACH ONE of US. And what's yours is the best for you. Trust him.

19. Take your friends for granted. Keep only the few good friends. Quality trumps quality. All the time.

20. Stop yourself from falling in love.